Welcome and “Thank You” for having your event here. New and Old Fellowship Halls: Either or both of these halls are available for use. In the event that both are used, there is a separate fee for each. If you are using the Halls, activities are restricted to the halls and the restrooms only. There should be no one in the Sunday school rooms unless a previous arrangement has been made to use one or more of them. The user of the facility is liable for any damages incurred, said damage to be corrected at the user’s expense.
Property and Supplies: The user is to provide their own consumable supplies (such as paper plates, napkins, cups, plastic utensils, and similar items for meals). Please do not use church supplies located in the kitchen or hall cabinets. Kitchen appliances and utensils, when used, should be cleaned and put back in the proper places. Garbage and trash should be bagged and taken to the dumpster on the parking lot. Tables and chairs should be wiped clean and floors swept, and if necessary, mopped. The security deposit will not be refunded if facility is not left clean. In addition, any damage to church property will be assessed and responsible party will be charged accordingly.
Opening and Closing: If you are using one of the halls, you must notify the Facility Manager so that it will be opened for your use. When you leave, please be sure that all lights are out.
Be sure doors are locked and outside lights are off.
Sanctuary: $300
Pastor: $300
Fellowship Hall: $300.00
Both Halls: $450
Deposit : $150
1. All deposits are due at time of booking to insure your choice of dates.
2. All fees are due prior to usage.
3. Deposit will be refunded upon inspection of the facilities and return of key.
4. There is a limited alcohol policy and you may get specific pricing details from our property manager.
5. The smoking policy at Emmanuel United Church of Christ is in designated outdoor area only.
6. The facilities may not be used for any for profit events.
Fellowship Hall and kitchen Suggested Donation $75.00
Both Halls: Donation Suggested Donation $150.00
Deposit: NONE

Welcome to Emmanuel United Church of Christ. We are pleased that you have chosen to make your marriage covenant in a Christian Ceremony and that we can provide this ministry to you. The following information will provide answers to some of the most often asked questions regarding your arrangements and use of our Sanctuary.
The Order of Service: The Reverend will see that you have a copy of the Order for Marriage and explain it to you. Please ask any questions you have regarding it.
Rehearsal: Rehearsal is normally held the night before the wedding. We ask that you and your party be prompt; rehearsal rarely lasts more than one hour
Decorations: Couples often wish to do some decorating of their own. Ask the Pastor and Facility Manager about particulars relating to this. Flowers: These may be placed on or around the altar, if you chose to have them.
Photographs: Still photographs and video-taping are permitted. Check with the Pastor for particulars.
Furniture: Please do not move any Sanctuary furniture without first asking Facility Manager.
Music: We have an excellent Music Minister who has a large repertoire of music, both religious and classic. Some popular music is also available. He will consult with you about your preferences and be glad to suggest music if you do not have any immediate requests.
NO rice may be thrown, it is dangerous to birds. Bird-Seed is permitted, after the Ceremony is over it is ok, but we ask that it be done outside on the steps or the parking area. Please do inform your friends that it is not permitted within the Sanctuary or entrance-way.
The Church Hall: The Hall is provided to you as a courtesy, should you desire to dress there before the Ceremony. Please let the Facility Manager know that you wish to use it and she will see that it is open. Cleaning: It would be a great help to us if you would see that any trash is placed in proper receptacles.
NON-MEMBERS ——————— $300
NON-MEMBERS——————— $300
ORGANIST/PIANIST: MEMBERS/NON-MEMBERS——–$150-no rehearsal or $175-with rehearsal
SECURITY DEPOSIT———- $300 (Must be paid in advance to secure your date. Can be refunded if cancelled 90 days in advance.)